Violence In Electronic Media And Its Effect On Aggressive Behavior Of Students At Elementary Level
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The research aimed to investigation on the violence in electronic media and its effect on aggressive behavior of students. Objective of the study was to identify the effect of electronic media violence on students behavior in the classroom. The study was descriptive in nature and survey research design was used. Population of the study was comprised 490 male and female students studying in 4th and 5th grades. Sample the study was comprised of 117 boys and 118 girls using convenient sampling technique. A questionnaire used for teachers with four point Liker-scale “Never to Always" and an observation checklist was used to observe aggressive behaviour of the students in school time. It was found that human relation break is more common among students than other types of violence. Moreover, the present study revealed that electronic media violence has strong effect on students’ aggressive behaviour. it was recommended that teachers and parent adopt different strategies to over come students aggressive behavior it was also recommended that teacher suggest different informative programs and involve them in different games which they play in their home also so it may reduce the habbit of using electronic media and over come the aggressiveness of the students