Social Transformation Base On Creative Social Energy Toward Community Autonomous And Their Wel-Being
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Changes in the social environment trigger the socio-cultural transformation of communities around the forest, related to managing forest natural resources and changing their lifestyles. Social transformation is accelerated by the development of information technology involving the population, technology, cultural values, and social movements. This study is exploring the answers: firstly, how is the idea of the future welfare of communities around the forest; second, how the readiness of communities to transform socially has an impact on the sustainability of forest management, as well as on the welfare of communities; third, how to ideal alternative efforts to achieve the SDGs in communities around the forest. The study method is a qualitative study supported by quantitative analysis. Data collection uses cybernetic techniques, triangulation between participatory action research, observations, FGDs, and interviews of key persons. The study results show that self-social engineering based on creative social energy optimizes the management of community capital. The readiness of the community to transform socially towards the sustainability of forest management turns out to be the independence of farmers. The ideal alternative to social transformation efforts that impact the SDGs' achievement is a dialogue and participatory approach.