The Form Of Swearing In Indramayu Javanese: A Sociopragmatics Analysis

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Imas Juidah , Andayani , Sarwiji Suwandi , Muhammad Rohmadi


This article describes the form of swearing in Indramayu Javanese in Duology Telembuk by Kedung Darma Romansha. By adopting a qualitative descriptive design, this study uses content analysis as a strategy to describe the swearing form. Two novels from Kedung Darma Romansha; Kelir Slindet Novel and Telembuk Novel were chosen as the data source. The data were collected using the read-note and Miles & Huberman data analysis technique. This study reported nine forms of swearing; excretion, death, body function term, religious matter, mother-in-law, sex term, animal term, imbecilic term, and general term. The most frequent swearing form was the animal term with 101 swearings followed by 58 swearings of the general term, 38 swearings imbecilic term, 34 swearings of religious matter, 17 swearings of mother-in-law, 4 swearings of excretion and body function, 2 swearings of death, and 1 swearings of sex term. 

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