Effectiveness Of Learning Management System In Learning Educational Psychology Using Moodle
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The aim of the study was to examine the Effectiveness of the learning Management System(LMS) according to views of lectures with different levels of activity in
LMS. The LMS is widely used in online Teaching and Learning, especially in Education. The use of Moodle is developing rapidly to address academic integrity, ethics and security issues to enhance speed and navigation and incorporate artificial intelligence. It is currently successfully integrated into the Educational activities of higher education. Traditional teaching and learning methods have undergone a reform shift with the integration of ICT Tools, especially Learning Management System (LMS). They are emphasized as essential tools in the Educational system. Moodle is one of the most popular LMS applications and is very appropriate for online learning study. Moodle has various features that are able to support activities through online. Some learning activities supported by Moodle are 1)Videos 2) Discussion Forums 3)Chart 4) Materials 5)Quiz. Education and Psychology are interdependent psychology had changed the spirit of Education and it gives Education theory of individual differences that every child has different pace. Today is modern era, Education Psychology is the foundation of Education. Its effect is reflected in every field of Teaching Learning process.