Main Article Content
The article deals with modern pedagogical technologies that allow you to move to a qualitatively new level of higher school education. The role of coaching technology is determined among the new pedagogical technologies of a personality-oriented approach in the development of leadership competencies of future teachers. The criteria of professional skill of a teacher, the goals and methods of his work is changing. The changes apply to the content and methods of evaluating the result of education. Now the effectiveness consists of a complex set of indicators that describe both mental, multisubject, and even personal achievements of the child. The professional life of a teacher includes the concept of "universal educational actions" and "competence approach".
The problem of the competence approach of education is one of the most urgent today. The type of person of our time and the near future is independent, sociable, able to work in a group, ready and able to constantly learn new things, independently extract and apply the necessary information. The article considers the essence of the concept of "coaching"; the prerequisites and main directions of the use of coaching technologies in education are identified; the importance of coaching ideas for the implementation of self-education and self-development problems in general and professional education is determined; the methodological foundations of the use of coaching technologies in the training of future teachers are identified; the experience of the implementation of coaching technologies in the training of future teachers has been summarized.
The consideration of coaching from the standpoint of methodological support of innovative activities and the strategy of assistance in individual and personal support of teachers and students is the key topic and focus of the scientific view of the authors of the article on the essence of the coaching phenomenon.