The Collective And Individual Uniqueness Of The Children Of Kindergarten

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Abeer Hatem Hadi , Prof. Dr. Altaf Yassin Khader


Great attention is directed to the social character and in Froom’s  studies of the psychological responses of the members of this group. Thus, the attention is focused not on the members of the group, each other, but the interest in building this character is focused on what is common to the members of this group, and of course this does not smile at the privacy that is characterized by. It has an individual character, uniqueness is for the child to be unique by himself, separate from others and distinct from them, so that he can develop all his capabilities and independence from parents and other children and be unique individually, or that the child is a poet of himself through his participation with others and is not distinct from them.

      Thus, achieves belonging with the group, it is collectively unique, and to achieve the objectives of the research, the two researchers built the collective and individual uniqueness according to scientific steps to build scientific tests and standards. The test has good validity and reliability, and the tests were applied to a sample of (300) children from public and private kindergartens, who were chosen by a simple random method, and the results were found. The children are characterized by collective and individual uniqueness to a medium degree and that the collective uniqueness of males is better than that of females. Then, the researchers presented a set of recommendations and suggestions.

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