Construction And Validation Of Teacher Effectiveness Scale For Teacher Educators

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D. Sathiya, Researh , Dr. N.Amuthasree


Teacher Educators with their effective and lively teaching actions can leave behind good memories in their student teachers’ minds. The goodness shown by the teacher Educators, their inspiring teaching, encouragement showered, support given at difficult times and the enthusiasm for educational ideas will frames of memories in the minds of the student teachers’. Hence the Teacher Educators work for the betterment of the student teachers to the level that makes persons to be remembered with pride let more and more dedicated Effective good Guru/Teacher Educators come into the teaching scenario, more than that, let more and better disciples be formed, and above all, let best society be established in future endowment. Consequently the measurement of the effectiveness of Teacher Educators is vital for that psycho metric scale will be needed after gone through reviews the investigator decided to Construct a tool for Teacher Educators with Subject Matter Expertise (SME), Professional Competency (PC),Classroom Management and Interaction (CMI),Profession Growth Interest (PGI)and Relationship Aptitude (RAp). Hence the present study is.

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