Parents' Knowledge In Using Communication Approaches For Effective Interaction Among Their Deaf Children

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Kougie G. Unido , Joy Nicole G. Lucero , Danilo S. Vargas


The study aimed to determine the communication approaches used by parents whose children were diagnosed with hearing impairment, and how these approaches can lead to effective interaction between them and their children. The meeting was their preferred source of information in which 95 percent of the information that they received was all about using sign language. They used this information to interact with their child and shared it with other members of the family and this information made them more knowledgeable about the preferred language of their child. They only have a moderate level of knowledge in using the manual approach and the most used was sign language. In terms of the new technology approach, 60 percent were using hearing aids. The problem encountered was insufficient knowledge of the manual approach and they were irritated with using the hearing aid. The other alternative approach used by parents was using pen and paper, home signs, and mobile phones through text message and messenger applications as a mode of communication. There was a significant relationship between the knowledge level of sign language and the usage level of new technology for effective interaction. There was also a significant relationship between the problem encountered in using the manual approach to the effective interaction between parents and their deaf children, while there was a highly significant relationship between the alternative approach and effective interaction, aside from that all variables didn’t affect the effective interaction between parents and their deaf children.

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