Women’s Role In Community Based Activities In Pulisan Village Likupang District, North

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Minahasa Regency , North Sulawesi Province


The Likupang Special Economic Zone is one of the National Tourism Strategic Areas (KSPN) super  priorities which was developed on an area of 197.4 ha in Pulisan Village, Marinsow Village, Kalinaung Village, East Likupang Subdistrict, North Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi Province. Women in the current era of globalization play a substantial role in determining the success of development and the journey of this nation in the future. This research aims to describe the role of women in tourism development in the Special Economic Zone for Super Priority destinations and the family values that influence the presence of women/mothers in tourism development in the Special Economic Zone as a super priority destination. The method used is a descriptive qualitative research method carried out by collecting as many data as possible and then describing it using existing data about the object of research in accordance with the objectives to be achieved. This research will produce how the role of women in tourism development in the special economic area of super priority destination in North Minahasa Regency , North Sulawesi Province.

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