Strategy Public Private Partnership In Pltp Patuha Unit 2 Project

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Dedy Agus Purwanto , Didi Turmudzi , Bambang Heru Purwanto


This research is based on a problem related to the weakness in the provision of public service infrastructure in the Patuha 2 PLTP Project in Bandung Regency that, in its implementation, has not been running effectively in terms of coordination . So the purpose of this study is to determine the implementation of Public Private Partnership (PPP) and Public Sector Coordination in the Patuha 2 PLTP Bandung Regency Project to run effectively. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method, and the data is analyzed using the interactive model of Miles and Huberman . The results show that the implementation of Public Private Partnership (PPP) and Public Sector Coordination has not been running effectively, so a Public Private Partnership and Public Sector Coordination strategy is needed in the PLTP Patuha Unit 2 Bandung Regency Project that can run effectively if optimally by adding dimensions as a measuring tool for the basis of SWOT analysis are 1) corporate planning; 2) Cost Alternative; 3) Network Government; 4) Communications.

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