Bioinsecticides Used Against Spodoptera Spp. In Watermelon (Citrullus Lanatus T.) In Los Ríos-Ecuador

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Ileer, Victor , Burgos, Alexis , Facuy Delgado Jussen , Danny Aviles


The objective of this study was to analyze the use of organic insecticides from extracts of different plants to control the impact produced by the caterpillar pest Spodoptera spp. on the watermelon crop Citullus lanatus in the province of Los Ríos-Ecuador.

[Methodology] An experimental design of completely randomized blocks (DBCA) was used, consisting of five treatments with four replicates, which consisted of different extracts used as organic insecticides and an absolute control. Treatment T1 consisted of chili bell pepper extract plus soap, treatment T2 consisted of garlic extract with oil plus soap, treatment T3 consisted of nettle extract, treatment T4 consisted of rue extract and treatment T5 was defined as absolute control. The experimental units were established in randomly distributed plots with an area of 108 m2, with a total of 20 plots. Differences between treatments were determined using Tukey's test. Statistically significant differences were considered when p≤0.05.

[Results] The treatments showed statistically significant differences, with the T3 treatment being the most important, reaching the lowest percentage of pest incidence with an average of 25%, and also presenting the lowest percentage of fruit damage with an average of 10%. This was followed by T1 and T2, which obtained good results. The absolute control T5 obtained the most unfavorable results, reaching 50% pest incidence with 37.50% fruit damage. Among the organic insecticide treatments, the most unfavorable results were observed in treatment T4.

[Conclusions] It is demonstrated that there are viable ecological alternatives for the control of caterpillars in the watermelon crop through the application of organic insecticides that fulfill the functions of synthetic insecticides used in traditional agriculture. Transferring the results of organic practices will encourage the development of new technologies that will boost large-scale organic horticultural production.

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