Factors Affecting The Learning Interest Of Natural Papua Students Towards Mathematics At Sdn Inpres Bertingkat Of Waena

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Yan Dirk Wabiser


The purpose of this study is to describe what factors influence the interest of native Papuan students in mathematics at SDN Inp. Graded Academic Year 2019/2020. The benefit of this research is that it can be used as a reference and information for stakeholders who are interested in developing the interest of native Papuan students in learning mathematics. The type of research used is descriptive research with a qualitative approach, where the researcher is the key instrument, the sampling of data sources is done purposively and snowball, the data collection technique is triangulation (combined), the data analysis is inductive or qualitative, the researcher describes all events and interprets data from questionnaires and interviews in the form of qualitative descriptions. The subjects of this study were all students of class IV, V, VI native Papua, totaling 84 children (source: Dapodik Data SDN Inpres Bertingkat Waena). Based on the results of research that has been carried out on students IV, V, VI SDN Perumnas 1 Waena, it can be concluded as follows. Students' interest in learning mathematics is still low, which is around 70%. Students who like mathematics are influenced by several factors, namely: (a) Students have an interest in learning mathematics, (b) Students have motivation to learn mathematics, (c) Teacher explanations are easy to understand by students, (e) A comfortable learning atmosphere, both at school and at home, (f) Families always support students in learning mathematics, and (g) Students have study groups at home. Meanwhile, students who do not like mathematics are influenced by several factors, namely: (a) Students do not have an interest in learning mathematics, (b) Students do not have the motivation to learn mathematics, (c) Teachers who teach are very 'fierce', (d) Explanation the teacher is difficult for students to understand, (e) the class atmosphere is noisy,  (f) parents do not support students in learning mathematics, (g) students often play cellphones or watch TV at home.

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