Understanding Human Dimension That Contributes To The Success Or Failure Of Cooperatives At The Philippine National Impact Zone (NIZ) Amidst Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case Study

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Sonia Dilla – Pol , Danilo S. Vargas


This research is limited to analyzing the human dimension of leadership traits and the style of the Chairman/leader of the cooperatives at the Philippine national impact zone. This is a qualitative research study using an online survey questionnaire to generate the data needed. A descriptive method for presenting data was made. Out of 20 Chairmen of cooperatives, the leadership traits of those in matured cooperatives that were identified and rated higher as perceived by the leader themselves (Chairman) than their members’ were the following: forward-looking, fair, and broad-minded. While for the in-distress coop, the traits such as honest, competent, inspiring, intelligent, forward-looking, fair, and broad-minded were rated higher by the Chairman than his members. The Leadership Style, on the other hand, was perceived as the character trait of the matured cooperatives. The matured cooperatives have an experienced & knowledgeable set of officers and committees in running the cooperative business. All of the respondents (n=20) are currently serving as Chairman and have an average of five (5) years in their current position. With regards to experience, 35.00% of them have previously served as Chairman for an average of 5 years, 25.00% served as ViceChairman for an average of 3 years and 20.00% served as Secretary for an average of 7 years. Results of this survey show that the Leadership Style of the 19 (90.00%) out of 20 Chairmen of the matured and in-distressed cooperatives fall under the Team Leader type of managerial grid.

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