The Effect Of Lead (Pb) Exposure In Pregnant Women’s Blood Who Work At Agricultural And Plantation Sector In West Aceh
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Lead (pb) exposure has an effect on decreasing public health status, primarily on pregnant women. Lead (pb) is a poison metal who can accumulate in the blood and causing disturbances on pregnancy. Maternal death in west Aceh in 2020 – 2021 reached 4619 – 4620 cases. The aim of this study is to determine blood lead levels in pregnant women who work at agricultural and plantation sectors.Cross-sectional method was carried out with univariate and multivariate designs. Samples are49 pregnant women who live in Meurebo. Blood samples were taken using laboratory research and analyzed through Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (ASS). Interviews were conducted using questionnaires on independent variables. The average of bloodlead contentis 63.3%; age with prevalence ratio (Pr) = 0.165 (Cl. 0.040-0.686), education with prevalence ratio (Pr) = 12.222 (Cl. 2.832-52.744), knowledge level prevalence ratio (Pr) = 0.221 (Cl.0.064-0.767), length of work of pregnant women with prevalence ratio (Pr) = 4.518 (Cl. 1.303-15.660), and work history with prevalence ratio (Pr) = 8.333 (Cl. 2,216-31,335). The conclusion is there is an effect of lead exposure in pregnant women’s blood. The dominant variable is occupational history which has an 18-fold greater chance of being exposed to lead (Pb) which has a statistically significant effect p=0.004. It is necessary to increase knowledge related to lead exposure in agriculture and plantationssector and use personal protective equipment when operating in those area.