Gender Responsive Planning And Budgeting Mechanism In Indonesia

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Agus Bandiyono , Imam Asma Nur Alam Marbun


This study aims to explain the results of evaluations of the PPRG mechanism in Indonesia from 2010 to 2016 and identify the obstacles faced by Indonesia in implementing PPRG along with the efforts that can be made to overcome it. This research was arranged using qualitative methods. Qualitative research methods were chosen because some problems or issues need to be explored. Evaluation of the implementation of gender-responsive programs/activities is carried out using a performance indicator approach based on an analysis of the situation as outlined in the GBS which includes indicators input, process, output, and outcome. In the indicator's input, BPPK still needs to make improvements in the policy and HR capacity. In the process indicators, the IRB has not used any gender analysis tools in the planning process. In the output and outcome of the indicator, BPPK has not fully compiled GBS based on the results of the situation analysis. There are 7 factors identified as obstacles to the implementation of PPRG at BPPK. The seven factors are understanding, instruments, commitment, legal basis, disaggregated data, human resource capacity, and institutional.

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