Relationship Assessment And Couple Conflicts Due To Cell Phone Use

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Manuel Alejandro Concha-Huarcaya , Martín Castro-Santisteban , Melisa Sevillano-Gamboa , William Eduardo Mory-Chiparra


The study focused on explaining the association between relationship appraisal and couple conflicts due to cell phone use, considering a sample of 325 couples between 18 and 65 years of age. For this purpose, the Relationship Appraisal Scale (RAS) and the scale of conflicts related to cell phone use were administered. The study was framed within the basic research paradigm, with a non-experimental, correlational and cross-sectional design. It was obtained as a result that the valuation of the relationship is negatively, moderately and significantly associated (rs= -,456, p< ,05) with couple conflicts due to cell phone use. It was evidenced that couples perceive a positive and negative valuation for the use of the cell phone; that is, the valuation of the relationship and the use of the cell phone would generate conflicts and benefits in the couples. The inappropriate or appropriate use of mobile devices could have effects on the relationship between couples. In this sense, it can be concluded that the good use of the cell phone can help satisfaction, efficient communication and maintain a permanent bond through the various applications between couples. On the other hand, inappropriate use can generate problems, conflicts of interest, low satisfaction, disinterest and even separations. The cell phone, as a mobile device, could help in the valuation of the relationship or generate conflicts in the couple depending on its use.

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