Effect of Covid 19 on Green Marketing in FMCG Sector

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Prof. Pinki Rai


Purpose:The goal of this research is to determine how Covid-19 has influenced Green Marketing in the FMCG market. The 4P's of green marketing, Product, Packaging, Place, and Price, were evaluated to investigate this influence. According to extant research from manufacturers', businesses' websites and white papers, the marketing structure has become unbalanced due to the Covid-19 pandemic. On one hand, packaging has gotten more intensive and environmentally unfriendly, while demand for green or environmentally friendly items has grown. As a result, the entire marketing system has become unbalanced.

Objective: After the through study of the literature review, the researcher developed four hypothesis on the 4Ps of marketing mix in order to statistically prove the theory of marketing mix imbalance caused by Covid 19.

Methodology: In this study, the data was collected from primary sources of information, such as a survey questionnaire. The researcher collected 200 responses using a non-probability accidental sampling method. The questionnaire had 5-point Likert scale. It was self-administered through google form. A statistical tool, SPSS and AMOS was used to analyse the data in order to confirm the hypothesis.

Implications:Researchers' findings can be beneficial to marketing professionals.

To survive inthis uncertain post covid times, we need to have effective green marketing strategies that incorporates industry specific effect of covid.  Purchasing, using, and disposing of green products has both social and environmental benefits.  Statistical analysis of this research paper shows that making and selling locally can be a viable method of surviving Covid's uncertain times.

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