A Study On Strategic Role Of Hr Managers In A Digital World:
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Digital Revolution is reshaping enterprises by disrupting existing businesses and operating models. It has radically changed the way individuals consume content, communicate, and access products and services. The cycles of innovation are occurring at much faster and exponential manner. The aptitude of enterprises to sustain with these changes will establish their competence to face up to tomorrow’s challenges. The Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0) is building on the digital revolution that has been characterized by a fusion of technologies that is blurring the lines between the physical, digital, and biological spheres. Merger of key enablers is creating a new digital transformation through the convergence of technologies. Rapid digital transformation is creating a smart, mobile, and connected world. An attempt is made in this Concept Paper to explore the strategic role of HR Managers in terms of the implications and imperatives thereof for creating an agile and future-ready human capital.