Phytosanitary Status And Its Influence On The Level Of Exports Of Cucurbits From Tacna, Period 2001-2018
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In the national context, specifically in the area of Tacna, the increase of cucurbit exports has been noticed; therefore, the objective of this research was to determine how the phytosanitary status influences the exports of cucurbits from Tacna in the period: 2001-2018. Regarding the methodological framework, the type of research is considered basic; the design is non-experimental and longitudinal; the level of research is explanatory. The sample was constituted by the records of export data, being a total of 4,935 data of exports of pumpkin, melon and watermelon. The instrument used was the documentary analysis guide. The study confirmed the general hypothesis that phytosanitary status influences cucurbit exports from Tacna in the period: 2001-2018. The export processes of cucurbits (watermelon, melon and squash) in the Tacna region, show a sustained growth between 2007 and 2018, according to the results obtained in the time series analysis, determined by the phytosanitary status achieved with the declaration of fruit fly free area in 2007.