The Influence Of Employee Engagement, Quality Of Work Life And Organizational Commitment On Turnover Intention Of Nurses From Grestelina Makassar Hospital In 2022

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Lawyer Christianto Paembonan , Andi Zulkifli , Fridawaty Rivai , Noer Bahry Noor , Syahrir A Pasinringi , Yahya Thamrin


One of the HR problems that are often faced in an organization is related to employee turnover. Turnover can also be interpreted as the number of employees who leave divided by employees who leave and enter in one year multiplied by one hundred percent. Turnover is divided into two types, voluntary turnover, namely employee leaving due to the will of the individual himself, while involuntary turnover is employee leaving due to organizational factors or resignation due to urgent matters. The occurrence of turnover begins with turnover intention, namely the desire of employees to leave work. Turnover leads to the final reality faced by the organization in the form of employees leaving the organization, while turnover intention leads to the results of individual evaluations. Turnover intention is the tendency or desire of employees to stop working or move out of the organization where they currently work. This study aims to analyze the effect of quality of work life, employee engagement and organizational commitment on the turnover intention of nurses at Grestelina Hospital Makassar. This type of research is a quantitative study using an observational study with a cross sectional study design. The sample in this study was 188 nurses at Grestelina Hospital Makassar. The results showed that employee engagement, quality of work life and organizational commitment had a significant effect on the turnover intention of nurses at Grestelina Hospital Makassar.

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