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Masoud Bagheri, Shahla Moazami, Azar Ali Nejad, Seyed Mehdi Mansouri


Objective: Among the goals of any community are order and security-based social life. In a community with social norms broken, social solidarity is lost, and chaos leads to disruption of social order and, in some cases, the collapse of the social system. One of the complex problems drawing the attention of many psychologists and sociologists is the issue of juvenile delinquency, which is becoming more and more widespread. The purpose of the study was to examine the social and psychological factors that affect juvenile delinquency.
Method: The study tried to examine the effect of social and psychological causes on juvenile delinquency with a descriptive survey research method.
Results: Prevention methods should be adopted in line with the conditions and situations of these people as the causes and elements of crime among the children differ from adults, and this class of society has a more sensitive psychological and social status and is way more vulnerable than others, and the cause of crimes is often not a single one, but several causes, such as personal, social, economic, cultural, health, political, religious, family, and other factors always go hand in hand in individuals.
Conclusion: Juvenile delinquency is not limited to a specific factor, but a set of elements go hand in hand for a child or adolescent to engage in behaviors that, although not seemingly a crime. However, as these behaviors occur during their psychological development and growth, they set the stage for a crime in a specific sense and sometimes turn a child into a professional criminal.

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