Diversity of Races and Roles and Its Impact on the Development of Societies from the Perspective of the Holy Quran

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Afaf Abdul Ghafoor Hameed , Mujahid Mustafa Bahjat , Mohamed Abdelmonem Elsayed Khalil , Azwira Abdul Aziz


Whoever reflects on the verses of the Noble Qur’an finds that one of the well-known types of evidences for the existence of Allah is the evidence of creation and care. The care is represented in the permanence and continuity of life, and the fulfilment of every creature in the role in which is created. The permanence of human life is linked to the existence of marriage between male and female, and each of them performs the role assigned to him/her. At the same time, Allah creates human in different races, colours, languages, and customs. Such diversity is in the interest of mankind and to enrich its life to achieve integration among human beings. The purpose, for which man is created, is the fulfilment of the responsibility of trust in building the life on earth, and to achieve the righteous deeds for the universe. This research focuses on the importance of this issue and its seriousness in the reality of lives in the current decade. The work is based on analysing the literature focusing on the Quran and Sunnah. Different points have been considered in this work. The results revealed that diversity is one of the laws of Allah in the universe, and that human diversity should be a factor in strengthening the societies and an incentive to achieve human, economic, social, and cultural development.

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