E-Business Tools Capabilities for Mobility and Integration Enterprise System

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Tha'er Majali , Rateb Almajali , We'am Khalayleh , Mohammad Younis Alkhalaileh , Hussam Alshrouf


Enterprise systems, as opposed to agency or group specific programmes are software applications with pass capabilities. These platforms enable cross organizations corporations and interaction by collecting information and data that is searchable and usable for many organizations. The purpose of this paper is to empirically analyse the capabilities of the enterprise business system of organizational factors that are used into the capabilities of some organizations such as adhocracy culture and top management support, e-business implementation, and organizational performance which is efficiency, sales performance, customer satisfaction, relationship development. Enterprise systems also have a particular role in structural changes in the economy and also must respond to these unforeseeable changes by providing suitable solutions to customer at a reasonable cost and time without experiencing of the entire systems in the first place which can result in more time. As a result, businesses should consider the mobility element while installing their system, because diverse customer needs should not be deferred or rescheduled again for the next time. This document is dedicated to outlining the criteria for a conceptual view. Thus, to adopt an adaptable enterprise system model, businesses must take them into account in order to acquire an adaptable system, minimizing time and cost while dealing with other enterprise systems in terms of cost and time and budget utilization for construction in order to process and satisfy the request for environment.

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