Integrating Islamic Values Into Education In Aceh (Reviewing The Qanun On Education)

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Sri Suyanta , Tri Wahyudi Ramdhan


Sharia in Aceh has been in effect even before independence, namely since the reign of King Iskandar Muda. In its development, Qanun as is part of Aceh's special autonomy agreed in the Helsinki Agreement between GAM and the Indonesian Government as legitimized through Law Number 44 of 1999 and Law Number 18 of 2001. This marked the beginning of a new era in Aceh with a unique identity to strengthen itself where every dimension of life is based on sharia, including education. However, Qanun Number 9 of 2015 as the legal standing of Islamic values in learning implementation in Aceh does not necessarily meet expectations. This study aimed to examine the position of the Qanun to trigger Islamic education in Aceh. Based on the results, this Qanun on education is still at a crossroads, between efforts to open up to reform and modernization to be more inclusive for the various interests of the community or still in the traditional social-Islamic identity that cannot be separated from the political paradigm.

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