Forensic Linguistics Study on Cases of Insulting President Joko Widodo in social media

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Lilik Rita Lindayani, Ein Sonewulan, Hanna, Aris Badara, Fina Amalia Masri, Ansor Putra, Arman, Wa Ode Halfian, Samsul


This research aims to analyze the form of insulting President Joko Widodo cases on Facebook and describe how to convey this form in the study of Forensic Linguistics. The research data was in the form of a collection of news related to the cases from various uploads on Facebook as a media, which has legal implications as a form of insulting the symbol of the state. Methodologically, this research was qualitative, describing language as a forensic media. The results showed two things. First, the insulting form to President Joko Widodo concerned several aspects, namely aspects of religion, personal, family, position/profession, and work, accompanied by harsh words, degradation, and disrespect for a head of state. Second, the method of conveying insults to President Joko Widodo was carried out using language and non-linguistics, namely words contained in a sentence, memes, Figures, and animal symbols. Thus, in the study of Forensic Linguistics, the case of insulting President Joko was carried out in the form of non-linguistic evidence.

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