Theoretical And Methodological Fundamentals of Improving the Quality of Education in Non-State Educational Institutions

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Maksudakhon E. Khallokova


At the international level, a number of scientific studies are being conducted to improve the management and financing of non-governmental educational institutions, expand innovation processes, diversify educational services, model and design individual activities based on professional needs, develop continuity mechanisms, and encourage multi-component approaches. It is also necessary to study the best practices of developed countries such as the United States, Great Britain, Japan, Germany, South Korea in improving the quality of education of non-governmental educational institutions, to create a national pedagogical framework based on the international education concept set by UNESCO until 2030. The reforms being carried out in our country to modernize the education system, train highly qualified teachers with modern knowledge and high moral and ethical qualities, and introduce innovative forms and methods of education in the educational process create opportunities for the development of non-governmental educational institutions.

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