Resilience and Women's Strategies Towards the Covid-19 Pandemic (Study in Kampung Cempluk Kalisongo Village DAU Malang District)

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Keppi Sukesi, Mofit Jamroni, Eti Setiawati, Viin Ayu Pertiwi


The concept of Kampung Tangguh was created as a guideline or reference consisting of seven frameworks of resilience including, human resources, food, health, security and order, information, psychology, and cultural resilience. It is a scholar’s innovation implemented in Kampung Cempluk to improve community resilience as a response to Covid-19. This study aims to analyze resilience and adaptation strategies applied by women in Kampung Cempluk to face Covid-19,  analyze people's perception of Kampung Tangguh innovation as a social model, and analyze the role of local wisdom in the implementation of gender-based Kampung Tangguh as a collective awareness in new adaptations. This paper was a rapid assessment using a case study design with a qualitative approach, starting with observation, followed by an online in-depth interview, online-focus group discussion, and document analysis. The research setting was Kampung Cempluk, Kalisongo Village with sub-urban characteristics and the dense population and high mobility resulting in the high possibility infected by the virus. The participants were selected based on non-probability or accidental retrieval of informants. The data analysis was done using descriptive qualitative analysis. The results indicated that the people of Kampung Cempluk Kalisongo Village were not aware of the threatening danger of the Covid-19 outbreak. However, with the information from the Kampung Tangguh task force, the community was immediately organized into a movement that responded positively to the need for seven resilience. The movement was typified by gender-based, with social capital sharing, cooperation, which made Kampung Cempluk became a perceptive area that responded to the Covid-19. The function of the task force is also derived from the women's roles in the food stock strategy, health, and education.


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