Sibling Rivalry and Aggressive Behaviour on Stress Towards The 5.0 Community Era

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Sudjiwanati, Nindita Pinastikasari


The community era of five point zero carries a specific impact on the college students. Digital pursuit has urged the college students to think and move faster but generated problems such as sibling rivalry, aggressive behaviour and stress. The objective of this research is to understand the relationship between sibling rivalry, aggressive behaviour and stress. The research population is the students of University of Wisnuwardhana Malang. Simple random sampling is used as sampling technique with the obtained sample of 101 individuals. The design of research is cross sectional. Data measurement instruments involve the Scales of Sibling Rivalry, Aggressive Behaviour and Stress, the validity test with Product Moment, the reliability test with Cronbach Alpha, the data analysis with multiple linear regression, and the hypothesis test. The result of the hypothesis test shows that sibling rivalry and aggressive behaviour are simultaneously the predictors of stress by significance level of 0.006 <0.05 with R-Square value of 0.141. This result indicates that the contribution of sibling rivalry and aggressive behaviour on stress is 14.1% which therefore the hypothesis is accepted.


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