How To Reduce Educational Inequality In Thailand, Lessons From Vietnam, Indonesia and New Zealand

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Natcha Mahapoonyanont


Education has often been seen as an essential catalyst for overall development. The human capital theory is based on this idea and has been criticized by many studies over the past half-century. The root of the quality of educational management lies in what happens in the classroom. However, the current situation in Thai society There are other issues involved and factors affecting the quality of education, such as the issue of inequality in education. Therefore, in the development of educational management, quality should seek the correct solution. It has been carefully studied from a variety of perspectives. Moreover, study lessons from countries with similar contexts; for example, Vietnam and Indonesia have similar contexts to Thailand.

Nevertheless, there are clear trends in the development of educational management on many issues. New Zealand is regarded as a good practice in raising the quality of education that should be analyzed. Identify the critical factors of success, especially regarding reducing inequality in education. That is why the researcher is interested in a comparative study. The education management model in small schools reduces educational disparities in Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, and New Zealand. As a policy suggestion for Thailand to improve the quality of education management and meet the needs of Education 4.0

This research will highlight issues and guidelines for the development of education management to reduce inequality in Thailand and recommendations on the role of relevant agencies in promoting the development of education management to minimize inequality and develop the strength of education reform in Thailand.

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