Rudiardi, Murniati, Deni Setiawan, Ishak Hasan

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Rudiardi, Murniati, Deni Setiawan, Ishak Hasan


Social education needs the teaching-learning models in the practice in schools. This study applied a model of adopting local character education in teaching social sciences in some junior high schools of Aceh Tamiang, Indonesia. It applied a sequential explanatory design, characterized by data collection and quantitative data analysis carried out in the first stage. The data obtained from the informants who filled out the questionnaire were 103 students from five sample junior high schools in Aceh Tamiang, Indonesia. The data obtained for the indicators of humanism are as follows; it involved 130 informants who have filled out the questionnaire. The students who answered strongly agree and agree tend to be dominant compared to students who answered neutral, disagree and strongly disagree. As with students who answered statements for indicators of humanism, the average number of students who answered neutral, disagreed and strongly disagreed was below 50% of the 103 informants.

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