Al Ghazali’s Dialogue: A Case-Based & Critical Thinking Communicative Language Teaching Approach

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Afifah Quraishah, Surinder Kaur Satwant Singh, Fazillah Sulaiman


Named after Imam Al- Ghazali, a prominent and influential Muslim scholar during his time, the Al-Ghazali’s Dialogue: English Communication is a subject created specifically to emphasize on building students’ communicative abilities in the English language where they can discuss, argue, and defend their thoughts based on selected case studies. The subject was introduced to address an important call made by the Ministry of Education through the Introduction of the English Language Roadmap which aims at producing not only students who are confident communicators, but to also integrate leadership skills in the teaching of languages at present (National Education Blueprint: The English Language Roadmap, 2019). In addition to the ability of students to develop their leadership, problem solving and presentation skills, with the incorporation of Aqli and Naqli, this paper offers a comprehensive review of the effectiveness of the subject by relating it to two core concepts which has been explored extensively including; Case-based learning as well as Critical Thinking skills. The paper outlines the effectiveness of the subject in terms of its relevance towards these two core concepts by actively citing previous reseaches and studies. The paper also further explores a specifically designed framework and how this proposed framework supports all three concepts discussed effectively:Communicative Language Teaching, Case-Based Learning and Critical Thinking Skills.

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