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This is a development research project that employs a research and development (R&D) approach. The primary issue is how to build a paradigm of religious moderation at IAIN Parepare that is application-based. The reality of the issue of religious moderation, as well as the religion-based strengthening program of the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia and the gate of religious moderation at the State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Parepare, drive this research.
Questionnaires and interviews were used to collect data, which was then evaluated using statistical analysis and interview content analysis. In the context of development research, the stages of design, maturation, trial, revision, and model validation are used. The results of statistical analysis demonstrate the effectiveness of using research products in the form of online applications that are based on religious moderation, as evidenced by the following data: for expert validation items, the results are extremely high, with items or material items scoring 0.75 (high validation), language and images scoring 0.66 (high validation), and presentation scoring 0.92. (very high validation).
Meanwhile, for the purpose of evaluating learning model products in terms of their suitability for stakeholders/users (lecturers and students), as follows: Respondents indicated that they strongly agreed 47.2 percent of the time, agreed 41.5 percent of the time, hesitated 9.4 percent of the time, and disagreed 1.9 percent of the time. Thus, the percentage of applications that are accommodating to stakeholder needs is quite high, at 47.2 percent. Meanwhile, 41.5 percent very agreed, 52.8 percent agreed, 3.8 percent hesitated, and 1.9 percent strongly disagreed with the statement that the application developed featured new things in learning. Meanwhile, 58.5 percent strongly agree, 35.8 percent agree, and 5.7 percent hesitate when asked whether the application-based learning model of good practice moderation is successful and efficient. This demonstrates the product's effectiveness and efficiency. As a result, it is necessary to improve and institutionalize the construction of a learning model based on religious moderation in order to actualize the IAIN Parepare program as a cultural and Islamic acculturation and gate of moderation.