Manifestation of Postcolonial Ideology in Mohsin Hamid's Reluctant Fundamentalist: A Critical Study

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Digvijay Pandya, Mohammad Bashir Mohammadi Baxodirovna


This thesis aims to study mimicry, hybridity, and diaspora in Mohsin Hamid’s the Reluctant Fundamentalist from a postcolonial view point. It includes introduction, biography of the author, plot summary of the novel. Also, postcolonial theory discussed in short. Next the concept of mimicry, hybridity, and diaspora being explained. Since the thesis investigates the aspects of postcolonial therefore mimicry, hybridity and diaspora are discussed with a postcolonial aspect. Also it explores the issue of mimicry portrayed in the novel and how mimicry is ineffective in aligning the immigrants’ culture to that of the colonizer. After that it reveals the issue of hybridity in the novels depicting how cultural hybridity assists in forging a new culture. Moreover, it seeks to expound on the impact of cultural hybridity and how it can influence characters and self-worth. Next, it illustrates the concept of diaspora in the novel representing the immigrants’ experience as complicated, finding themselves perpetually in a transient situation fraught with memories of their native land and struggling with realities of the new environment and host culture affected by the new environment diasporic identity. According to the discussions and findings, the study concludes that the cultural hybridity, mimicry, and diaspora were presented in the novel. The main character of the novel was affected by his diasporic situations, thus influencing the aspects of hybridity and mimicry. There has been a tremendous influence on the colonized population due to the policies of colonial power. Finally, the thesis analysis the novel based on quotes of the original text of the Reluctant Fundamentalist.

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