Lexical Features of Terms Related to Tourism and Technology in English and Uzbek
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Theoretical lexicography studies the history of lexicography, types of dictionaries, requirements for dictionaries, critical analysis of existing dictionaries, practical lexicography deals with the study, compilation, improvement and consumption of a certain type of vocabulary. Practical lexicography involves the application of general theoretical principles and rules of lexicography in the process of creating a dictionary.
The ambiguity of terms, the meaning of terms, the essence of the concept, the excessive length, complex phrases are inconvenient, with an excessive number of foreign terms. The creation of a glossary of terminology in various fields in response to the above problems is an urgent task of modern lexicography.
It is very important for a lexicographer to work with a specialist in the field from the beginning to the end of the terminology system development process. There are good reasons for this. When developing a dictionary of common words, the lexicographer himself/herself can easily provide accurate and detailed explanations of words, as well as develop examples of authorship. To explain specific terms and understand the situations in which they are used, the lexicographer must have not only linguistic knowledge, but also an understanding of this specific area.Bilingual dictionaries are more practical than textual content.