Ecological Literacy to Improve Students Awareness in Maintaining Nature Contained in Indonesian Language Books for Foreign Speakers

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Dewi Aprilia Sari, Andayani, Sarwiji Suwandi


The problem of ecology is an interesting topic to be studied continually. In this era, the reason why environmental damage is something that occurs recurrently. Education should be an alternative to provide awareness and solutions to environmental damage. One solution to solve that problem requires significant efforts by integrating ecological literacy into textbooks. Therefore, to achieve this goal, it is necessary to provide teaching materials with an ecological perspective. This research was written to describe the value of ecological literacy in Indonesian language textbooks for foreign speakers. This study used a mixed approach to analyse qualitative and quantitative data in one study. Based on the analysis, the ecological literacy values included (1) ecological knowledge (general knowledge, socio-political system, and environmental problems), (2) affective tendency (factors in individuals), (3) behaviour (awareness of self-control), and (4) cognitive skills (related to environmental problems). However, the content value of ecological literacy was more dominant in the aspects of ecological knowledge and had not been emphasised in all aspects.

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