Role Of Teacher at Online Study at Pandemic Situation

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Agusthina Siahaya, Mercy Halamury, Flora Salhuteru


Education is a conscious effort made to provide learning experiences for students to prepare future students who have a strategic role in improving the quality of human resources and efforts to realize the ideals of the Indonesian nation. Teachers as educators hope to maintain good relations with parents and the surrounding community to foster participation and a sense of shared responsibility for education both individually and communally because education is related to the condition of human resources so that the success of education will affect the welfare of a nation. The research was conducted in Ambon City in 5 elementary schools with 20 respondents. The results of the study found that teachers in Ambon City, specifically for elementary schools during the pandemic, played a very influential role, namely as educators, teachers and managers where teachers were able to create classroom situations that allowed effective learning to be created by motivating students who lacked learning motivation so that they were encouraged to participate, active in learning. As instructors, teachers must create learning activities that enable students to master optimal learning objectives.

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