A Campaign Model for the Prevention of the Spread of Covid-19 Based on Android

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Rafika Bayu Kusumandari , Istyarini


The aim of this research is to develop a campaign model for preventing the spread of covid-19 for children. Referring to the objectives to be achieved, this research program is designed with an "RnD" approach, meaning that a research program is followed up with a development program for improvement or refinement. The results of the study were: The results of the one-to-one trial and the results of small group trials, from media users. These results for each student's answer per item are added divided by 2. The total number of 50 points divided by 10 is 4.5. So that this application is in the good category. After the improvement of the one-to-one test results, a small group test was then carried out. These results for each student's answer per item are added divided by 4. The total amount of the total is 47 divided by 10 to obtain a value of 4.7. The results of the revised individual test and small group trial were then tested in large groups. The resulting final draft model is the result of a large group trial. Improvements from the draft II model are the results of individual trials and small group trials used for large group trials. The large group trial was carried out on Saturday, September 28, 2020 in the same place as respondents were 10 children aged 5 years, with heterogeneous abilities. From the overall results obtained, because it is above 4.5 (on a scale of 1-5), the application of the Android-based campaign model for preventing the spread of Covid-19 for children can be categorized as very good.


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