Workplace Spirituality (WPS) and Job Satisfaction (JS) in the power companies in India: PLS based approach
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Purpose- Employee performance can be enhanced by promoting workplace spirituality and having credible solutions to many human resource’s challenges in view which is the requirement of present business as being widely discussed by the scholars. This paper aims to explore the relationship between workplace spirituality (WS) and job satisfaction (JS) in the public power companies in India having one of the best salary structure, benefits and job security.
Design/methodology/approach - The study was conducted with a cross-sectional descriptive and analytical approach. The study collected a sample size of 32 employees among them 15 technical and 17 nontechnical from the two public power companies in and around Dehradun (India). The partial least squares method was used to establish the linkage between WS and JS.
Findings -The finding is useful for organizations where basic needs are satisfied and for enhancing performance and productivity, the organization is required to find new motivational methods and tools. The study found that meaningful work and meaningful life is positively associated with job satisfaction and interpersonal relationship is negatively associated with job satisfaction and that there is no linkage between the working environment and job satisfaction in the public power companies and that there may be other factors within working environment to be identified and addressed by the organization.
Originality/value -The research provides insight for managerial practices and for future research in the Indian power companies with the concept of workplace spirituality for human resource management. The finding is unique as the working environment in public power has one of the best salary structure, benefits, job security, good working conditions and basic needs of employees are satisfied and are different from other organizations. The public power companies are required to innovate new mechanisms to deal with stress related problems, employee commitment and new ways to motivate the employees in the coming competitive environment.