Using Service Quality Model Analysis To Uncover The Influence Of Language On E-Learning Quality

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Dr. M. Amaad Uppal , Dr. Samnan Ali


The widespread adoption of electronic learning (e-learning) has emerged as a highly promising solution within the higher education sector. E-learning, often referred to as digital learning or virtual learning, encompassing technology-enhanced learning, has ushered in a multitude of advantages. These include the crucial aspects of temporal and spatial flexibility, leading to substantial cost savings and greater accessibility of learning opportunities for a broader demographic. The surge in embracing these contemporary digital pedagogies has not only captured the attention of researchers but has also engendered a substantial body of research focusing on both the merits and challenges associated with e-learning. However, it's important to recognize that education is fundamentally a service-oriented endeavor, where the caliber of service provision holds immense significance. Astonishingly, there remains a paucity of research directed towards comprehensively evaluating the quality-related facets of e-learning systems within the context of education. In our scholarly work, we advocate for the integration of the SERVQUAL model, a widely accepted and reliable framework for gauging perceived service quality, as the cornerstone for evaluating the quality dimensions of e-learning. This intricate model comprises five foundational constructs: Reliability, Assurance, Website Content, Empathy, and Responsiveness. Furthermore, we introduce the dimension of 'Language' as a moderating factor, aimed at probing its influence on the overall model. The choice of incorporating 'Language' as a moderator, stems from the realization that the core of any educational environment lies in its learning content, where the medium of language plays an integral role in shaping the curriculum. Rigorous scrutiny of the measurement model's reliability and validity was conducted through the lens of Structured Equation Modeling. Empirical analysis, derived from a robust sample of 400 students, divulges a compelling insight: the overall satisfaction derived from e-learning experiences is significantly heightened when the instructional delivery is conducted in the local language. This observation is particularly pronounced in the augmentation of the 'Empathy' and 'Website Content' dimensions, underlining the pivotal role that language plays in shaping the e-learning landscape.

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