Impact Of Physical Activity On Quality Of Life
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Background: The impact of physical activity on the quality of life is profound, encompassing physical, mental, and emotional dimensions. The aim of the study is to investigate the role of physical activities on quality of life.
Objective: To evaluate the impact of physical activity on quality of life. Material and Method: It was cross sectional analytical conducted in Department of Medicine, University of Lahore, Teaching Hospital and Saira Miraj Memorial Hospital, Lahore for the duration of 18 months. Study was conducted after the approval of synopsis from research ethical committee, The University of Lahore. Informed consent was taken from each participant. Data was collected according to the data collection sheets. Total 100 individuals were included. All individuals of both genders, age group 19- 40 years were included. Results: The mean age was 25.22 ± 6.78 years. There was 46 % female and 54% male Among Participants. The Pillai's Trace statistic is 0.947, indicating a strong effect of the physical activity on QOL. Wilks' Lambda statistic is 0.053, which signifies a substantial effect of the physical activity on QOL. The Hotelling's Trace statistic is 17.929, indicating a large effect of the physical activity on QOL. The p-value (Sig.) is 0.000, demonstrating a significant effect. Roy's Largest Root statistic is 17.929, suggesting a substantial effect of the physical activity on QOL. These results collectively indicate that the physical activity has a strong and significant impact on the QOL.
Conclusion: Results showed significant association between physical activity and health related quality of life. From baseline, 4 and 8 month strong effect and significant improvements of the physical activity was seen on quality of life.