A Shari’ah And Research Review Of Wali Swat's Decrees On Arms
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The protection of human life, honor and property is of great importance in Sharia. That is why Sharia has prescribed various types of punishments (Convictions) for those who disturb his or her protection. And according to the nature of the crime, Qisas or limitation has been ordered. And the crimes which are not of such a serious nature, then Sharia has empowered the Qazi (Judge) to impose punishment. So that the society is full of peace and the life, honor and wealth of every human being is completely protected. Since human in society, the protection of life is of utmost importance, therefore the greatest punishment in the Shari'ah has been prescribed for the person who harms human life, from which the value and sanctity of human life can be accurately estimated. In the light of the same rules and regulations, Wali Swat also issued about eight such decrees about weapons for the sake of peace and order in the State of Swat, which have been preserved and due to which the residents there (Inhabitants) were well protected. The current paper investigates the decrees of Wali Swat about weapons for the sake of peace in the Swat State.