Exploring The Relationship Between Mental Health And Academic Performance: An Analysis Of Depression, Stress, And Anxiety In Cambridge School Students
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The present study aimed to explore the relationship between mental health and academic performance among Cambridge School students. The study focused on three main mental health concerns: depression, stress, and anxiety. The study adopted a survey-based research design where random sampling technique was utilized for data collection from the participants. Data was gathered by using Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS) and the students’ academic progress reports. 150 students of one of the Cambridge schools in Karachi have participated in the study. The result revealed that Cambridge students of senior grades suffered from depression, anxiety and stress which has badly affected their academic performance ultimately adversely affected their exam results. The study also revealed that the students with good mental health showed better results than those students who are comparatively weaker in their mental health. Moreover, female students were found getting more stressed and depressed during exam as compared to male students. It was suggested that counselling sessions can prove to be very positive interventions for students especially at senior Cambridge level where their grades have a greater impact on their professional colleges admissions.