A Research Study On Kitabul-Fitan And Their Related Discussions In The Light Of Ghunyat Ul-Qari Sharh Sahih Ul-Bukhari

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Nazeer Muhammad , Dr. Gulzar Ali ,Dr. Saeed Shafiq


Imam Bukhari in his book "Al-Jam? Al-Sahih Al-Musnad Min Amoor Rasoolullah sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and Sunnah" has brought a book titled "Kitab al-Fattan". In this book, Imam Bukhari has mentioned various trials, some of which have occurred while others have not yet occurred. Shaykh Muhammad Abdul Khaliq Bajauri in his Sharh "Ghanit al-Qari" has clarified the evidence of these temptations by determining what is meant by the mentioned temptation in the Hadith, or if there can be different possibilities in a temptation, what are those possibilities.

In this short research article, the proofs of these temptations have been clarified in light of Sheikh Muhammad Abdul Khaliq Bajauri's research. The method that has been adopted is that the title of each chapter is given which the explanation of Fitna of a Hadith has been considered necessary by the mentioned commentator and then the words of the Hadith that have been explained by the commentator have been brought under it. After that, the words of Shaarih have been explained in clear words, what and which fitnah are meant in Shaarih's opinion. In this way, Shaarih's research about temptation has been brought to the fore.

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