Development Of Students’ Attitudes Towards Leadership During University Education

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Ayesha Sarwar , Sher Zaman , Muhammad Mohsan Ishaque


The current study explores the influence of university education in developing students’ attitudes towards different types of leadership, i.e., social leadership, political leadership and administrative leadership. It measures the effect that higher education has on the way of thinking, feeling and behaving as leaders during their present and future lives. The research design of the study was casual comparative, having university education as an independent variable and students’ attitudes towards leadership is dependent variable. The population of the study are the students of university of Gujrat who are working as the members of students’ societies in university. Sample was selected through strata census. A questionnaire having three sub scales was developed comprising 25 stated propositions.  The data was collected from 421 university students, i.e., 130 from semester 2nd, 130 and 172 from 4th and 8th semesters respectively. For analysis of the collected data, ANOVA was applied to find out the comparative effect of university education on three different given groups, i.e., students of semester 2, 4 and 8. Results of the study revealed that there is upward attitudinal development among university students on political leadership but found least influence of their higher education on their attitudes towards social and administrative leadership.

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