Causes And Impacts Of Forced Marriages In Pakistan (A Case Study Of District Mandi Bahauddin, Punjab, Pakistan)
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Forced marriage is recognized as a heartless act, even when there is no sexual assault or oppression is involved and the convention against slavery perceives such type of marriage as practiced slavery in which individual has no freedom to join or leave the marriage. The lack of knowledge in families is one of the primary roots of early and forced marriages. According to Pakistani sources, the Pakistani court has failed to provide justice or begin legal procedures in situations involving claims of forced marriages. In Islam, forced marriage is prohibited. No one can be coerced into marriage against their choice, and this practice is prohibited by the religion. The research aimed to trace forced marriages in District Mandi Bahauddin. The main aims of the research were; to find out the reasons behind forced marriages, to study the impacts on the individuals, and to examine the domestic violence against females where a forced marriage has taken place.