Exam Performance And Retention Among E-Book Utilizing Undergraduates Of Sri Lanka

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Nallainathan Senthuran , Assoc. Prof. Dr. Indang Ariati Binti Ariffin , Prof. Dr. Ali Khatibi , Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jacquline Tham


The undergraduate success is determined with exam performance pillared through retention, whereas mode of reading plays a vital role in signifying this relationship. Trends of adopting e-Books on rise quadrupled in the post COVID-19 world effecting impact among universities and libraries. Retention being key element on undergraduate studies of Asian countries while final outcome measured through Exam Performance achieved on semester and final examination. Sampling frame defined within Undergraduate student population with simple random sampling method, purely online based survey questionnaire data collection performed. Findings prove significant increase in Exam performance and Retention among students who utilized print books instead of e-Books as primary mode for reading. Concluding the fact prioritizing and promoting print book usage among universities and libraries will enhance improved results among undergraduates.

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