Knowledge, Attitude And Practices Of Mothers Regarding Breastfeeding Having Malnourished Children Under 5 Years Age Bracket: A Cross Sectional Study Of Children Hospital Multan, Pakistan
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The state of malnourishment among children <5 years age span is the major public health issue around the globe. This under nourished state of child has multitude socio-demographic, economic and medical dynamics. Adequate mothers’ nutritional knowledge along with positive attitude about breastfeeding and complementary feeding practices can be used as the combat tool to avoid malnourishment among children. Present study designed to know the KAP of mothers regarding breastfeeding and complementary feeding of malnourished children. Researcher used quantitative research design and select N=485 mothers visiting the targeted stabilization center of Children Hospital Multan through simple random sampling technique. The findings of the study revealed that there is a significant and positive relationship between breast feeding duration and malnourishment among children <5 years age span. Moreover, lack of knowledge, negative attitude and improper practices of mothers about breastfeeding becomes the major cause of child malnourishment. Role of media in provision of logical arguments and awareness campaigns along with the support provision by health care professionals can combat the pathetic situation of malnourishment in the study vicinity.