Academic Passion And Its Relationship To The Reflected Glory Among Female Students Of The Kindergarten Department

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Sarah Mohamed Abdel-Razzak , Prof. Dr. Eman Younis Ibrahim


The current research aims to identify the academic passion and its relationship to reflected glory among female students in the kindergarten department. To achieve the study objectives, the two researchers built a scale of academic passion according to the theory of (Vallerand et al.,2003) which consisted of (50) verbal items and a scale. Reflected glory in this study is based on the theory of (Cialdini,1976) which consisted of (30) verbal items, the stability coefficient reached (50) followed the (Alpha Cronbach) method. As the stability coefficient reached (0.930), the researchers also verified the apparent validity of the reflected glory scale and the consistency of its paragraphs, and calculated its stability by the re-test method. The stability coefficient reached (50) and followed the (Vachronbach) method in which the stability coefficient reached (50).

The researchers applied the two scales to the research sample of (400) female students from the Kindergarten Department in the Kindergarten Department / College of Basic Education - University of Mosul.

The objectives of the current study are to employ many methods like (the t-test for one sample, the t-test for two independent samples, Pearson's correlation coefficient), the researcher concluded that the kindergarten students enjoy academic passion, and they have a reflected glory, and the lack of differences in the relationship between academic passion and reflected glory among the female students of the Kindergarten Department according to the academic grade.

       In light of the results in the current study, the researchers made a number of recommendations and proposals.

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