The Content And Essence Of Studying The Social Pedagogical Factors Of Improving The Social Activity Of Girls Under The Age Of Majority In The System Of Family-Neighborhood-Educational Institution Cooperation Through The Means Of National Crafts
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In this work, the family and the school based on the neighborhood, which is the center of education for the future generation (Uzbek girls), the main education, the fact that the upbringing of a child in the family is a very delicate and complex issue, in the work of education It is said that the work carried out in cooperation with educational institutions and the family and the neighborhood, the process of improving the social activity of girls growing up in the family by means of national crafts is a socio-pedagogical problem, and the role of parents in directing girls to the profession is incomparable.
In society, the activities of human and economic subjects are carried out in order to satisfy and realize their needs. People's needs are diverse, mainly socio-economic needs occupy an important place. These needs are mostly observed in physiological, safety, need for social relations, to be respected, self-expression. Interest arises when a person realizes the need to satisfy his needs. Interest creates motivation that encourages a person to work. In the process of working, economic interest arises in a person, it leads to the growth of the family's economy, employment of family members, fair provision of family income, and socio-economic protection of the disabled in the family.