Mediating Impact Of Transformational Leadership With Moderating Effects Of Employees' Psychological Wellbeing And Cognitive Trust In Leadership On The Relation Of Emotional Intelligence And Job Performance
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The local biscuit sector generates employment and contributes toward the GDP, but it suffers due to low job performance. To address this issue, we developed a model containing "job performance, transformational leadership, emotional intelligence, employee wellbeing, and cognitive trust in leaders." We non-randomly collected a sample of 160 respondents using a pre-developed questionnaire. And found that emotional intelligence and transformational leadership positively affect job performance. We also found that emotional intelligence affects transformational leadership and mediates "emotional intelligence and job performance." The study also concluded that employees' well-being and cognitive trust in leaders moderate emotional intelligence and job performance. The study has contributed to the body of knowledge by using two moderators, i.e., "employee well-being and cognitive trust in the leaders," which past studies recommend using. The study recommends that firms develop a conducive environment that promotes social interaction and employee well-being. The leaders in the organization must focus on the development of the employees by sharing their vision with them.